$16.99 to $44.99 Mostly Dresses Sale going on in our Sale section.

Meet Janie


Let me introduce myself. I am Janie, hence the store name JanieLanie. I'm a busy mom of four little kids, two boys and two girls, who love gymnastics, swimming and terrorizing each other. Oops, was I not suppose to admit that last part?

My hobbies are fitness and fashion. I've been an avid runner turned walker, who loves half marathons. I've always enjoyed fashion but have found it more and more difficult to find modest clothing that is flattering and stylish where I feel beautiful and feminine.

I've also found it difficult to find dresses to nurse in. I've breastfed all four of my children and have stretched out the neck of many a dress. Frequently I would try to go shopping and come home empty handed. Items were either to low, to short, to much money, you get the idea.

When I did find something it would be one thing at one place, one thing at another place. It took to much time and effort and with four little ones I'm already exhausted as it is. After talking with some friends at church who had the same problem and getting inspiration from my sisters I decided to do something about it.

My goal is to offer modest dresses, tops and skirts that make you feel the fabulous women you are without having to compromise on style. Think effortlessly modest, modern, stylish apparel that lets your confidence shine through.

Please share with your friends!

